Sunday, 28 November 2010

Sweet stranger

Fist against my heart
and a long, deep humble bow
for you, sweet stranger.

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Home (to Leonie & Adam, and to you as well).

Our home,
it’s not out there
it’s not in the promise
of lucky numbers
or of random lottery tickets,
nor in the pretty words
of a skillful house seller.

Our home is not made
of the things that we own
under the roof
and between the bricks

that we share,
it's not in the things
that we bought for each other,
nor in all the money

that we can save or spare.

Our home is under the sun
and in those five lines
we drew as children;
it's in the loving shelter 
we then offered
to our imaginary friend,
and to the lost pet
we once found and kept,

hoping to never part ways.

My home is with you,
and yours is with me,
my family, my comrade,
my neighbour, my lover;
and with you too, 
kind stranger.

Even if we had to spend
long nights under a cold bridge
or if we fell asleep
under an ancient tree,
our home is in us,
mine in you, yours in me,
as we rest safely
in each other’s arms.

Friday, 26 November 2010

'Aspirante equilibrista' (To Elenia, who inspired the title and the thought).

If in order to test your sense of equilibrium you would walk on a long high cable hung between two skycrapers, don't look down: the harmony and beauty of chaos will leave you in awe and you might as well feel like jumping.

The path is now

My death will not be long enough to give sufficient rest to the sufferings I’ve had in this life.   Before a new day breaks in or an old day fades away, I will be in the seed that soon anounces the birth of a baby boy or a baby girl.  Again, I will get another chance to learn from old sorrows, and to seek and find true happiness throughout the endless line of life.  But before dying this time and crawling again some day, I’d better make sure  that I sketch my future path graciously and righteously;  now when I can still walk firmly, with clear eyes and loving hands, and a heart full of faith.

Monday, 22 November 2010

To my very soul mate, wherever you might be -

A thousand lives back,
the silence of which I speak
has always, always loved you.

A million blue moons ahead of now
undoubtely, I will,
I will always love you.

Even at this moment,
when I still might not know 
the shape of your lips;
even when I still
might not have heard
the sound of your name,

my love is not at all still!

It beats for you in silence
and misses you warmingly,
my love, my very soul mate

wherever you might be.

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

En la Casa de la Cui'tura (inspirado en el Mae'tro Cabral, QEPD) - (With English translation)

Con la lengua ardiente como un dragón,
ebrio de barato vino tinto,
escupiendo a quemaduras,
gritaba el Mae'tro Cabral:
A mí no me manden a callai', COñO,
que la poesía se hizo PA'BLAI'LA!

In the House of Culture (inspired in the  'Master Cabral' RIP)

With his tongue hot as a dragon,
drunk on cheap red wine,
spitting burning fire,
Mae'tro Cabral shouted:

Don't tell me to shut up, COñO,
that poetry was made to be SPOKEN OUT LOUD!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Haiku voor de mist (with English translation). Also for Wendy.

Wat zoek jij? vroeg hij, | de blinde die alles ziet | met zijn bloot gevoel.


What do you seek? he asked, | the blind who sees all | with his bare feeling

Welcoming winter (double haiku, and a single poem). For Wendy, who triggered the inspiration.

The mist ahead chills | every effort of sight. | My eyes close in faith, | as i walk the path, | fearless of the blind future, | i beckon the clouds.

Friday, 12 November 2010

Para Patricia Pereryra - la artista dominicana que más adoro (with English translation)

Eres diosa humana,
diosa de poesía, de canto.
Y cuando hablas, tu voz recoge
el aliento de ultratumbas,
el cual sin esfuerzo respiras
dándole cobijo 
en tu profunda garganta.
Y entonces,
cuando cantas, diosa humana
el universo revela
lo que aún no sabía cierto
En sus entrañas;
y en las tuyas
se engendra en unísono,
otra canción de esperanza,
la cual persigo
con este simple poema,
anhelando escuchar tu parto
de melodías infinitas,

otra y otra vez.

(si quieres escuchar a Patricia, pulsa en este enlace  Patricia Pereyra, cantando El Mandala).

You are a human goddess,
goddess of poetry, of chanting.
And when you speak, your voice gathers
the breath beyond the graves,
which you breathe effortlessly
giving it shelter
in the depths of your throat.

And then
when you sing, human goddess
the universe reveals
what it still did not know was certain.

In her womb;
and in yours
in unison,
another song of hope is conceived,
which I pursue
with this simple poem,
longing to hear you giving birth
to infinite melodies,

over and over again.

If you want to listen to Patricia, the Dominican artist I adore the most, click on this link Patricia Pereyra singing El Mandala